
What is baptism?

Baptism is the sign of entry into the Christian church. Our church is happy to baptise a child of believing parents, on the understanding that parents and godparents will bring the child up with knowledge of what the Christian faith stands for, so that when the child is older, he or she can make a decision for Jesus Christ for themselves.

Please note that although we don’t have a Minister at the church at the moment, we do have people who can preside at baptism services.

What happens in the Baptism service?

During the Baptism service, parents and godparents will publicly declare their own faith, and make promises on behalf of the child. Soon after the beginning of the service, the family and friends of the baptism candidate will be invited to gather around the font. Water is sprinkled on the child’s head, signifying cleansing and renewal in Christ Jesus.


Many parents invite one or two close friends or relatives to act as godparents to your child. The godparent promises to undertake a caring and supportive role for the parents and the child and encourage them in their Christian walk.

Who can be Baptised?

For you, or your child, to be eligible for baptism you must be willing to declare publicly your faith in Jesus Christ, and not to have been baptised previously. If you would like to arrange a baptism, please contact the Church Secretary.

If you decide on baptism for you or your child, we will meet with you and take you through what Baptism means and the promises you will make before God. For children old enough to understand, this will include an opportunity for them to think about what will happen on their special day.